Thursday, January 22, 2009


They get dirty.  They like to laugh at gross stuff.  They do dumb things on dares.  Who are these strange and different creatures.  Why can't they just do things like girls do them?  Does anyone understand them?  They don't share their feelings.  They make guns out of anything.  They can't find anything.  And they are maddeningly prone to parent deafness.  It is so easy to poke fun at them and laugh at them, call them lazy and gross and unfeeling.  But, if you do, then something happens; they become lazy and gross and unfeeling.  

I worry for them.  They need to be better understood.  Their joys are simple.  (guns made out of sticks and forts made out of boxes are very fun)  They are brave. (To fit into their society, a "double dog dare" may just need to be taken)  They are clever.  (They can't find their belt on Sunday morning, but their minds visualize a project much clearer than mine)  They share their love with their actions, not necessarily their words. (Mommy, I drew this picture of you)  

I am hopeful.  Mothers love boys.  Boys grow into men.  Men become fathers.  Fathers mold boys.  

Do your part.  Open your eyes of understanding.  Love and mold a boy today.


Lauren said...

Boys are funny that way....and men...they still forget things, love projects and creating, and do not multitask. But unlike boys, men (at least my man) takes showers everyday (sometimes twice), brushes his teeth, basically are more hygiene savvy. I love your Gabriel's Oboe song, It's similar to the song from the "Mission" soundtrack...another touching and motivating movie. you've probably seen it.